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Episode 81: The Time To Act On These Issues Affecting Brain Injury Survivors Is NOW

It’s now 2023 and I have been giving thought to the multitude of issues and problems that must be confronted by brain injury survivors, their family members, and friends.

I would like to take time to discuss a range of topics with you, but one that is forefront in any discussion is the inability of most to navigate transitions, the medical system, health and government benefits, and locating and obtaining necessary services and supports following an injury that can disrupt every aspect of a person’s life.

The medical profession may diagnose a concussion or save a life following catastrophic brain trauma, but what about concern for the patient’s quality of life once the acute brain injury is dealt with?

Comprehensive discharge planning is required for all head trauma patients regardless of the initial severity of their injury.

How many brain injury survivors are discharged without proper planning, without proper referrals, and without follow up?

Where can individuals and their families obtain care, advice, and assistance?

What community-based services are available and how do we inform about there availability?

We need to develop more resources for brain injury survivors and their families to navigate the consequences of a brain injury.

We need a national cohesive neurorehabilitation strategy.

We need uniform and comprehensive entitlement to insurance benefits.

We need access in every state to brain injury waiver services and eliminating waiting lists, allowing brain injury survivors to obtain care, assistance, and support while living within the community, and not in a nursing home or long-term care facility.

We need access to mental health services to treat the behavioral and emotional problems that often develop following a brain injury

There must be a clear path between diagnosis, rehabilitation, and independence for traumatic brain injury and acquired brain injury survivors.

We need a uniform approach to a condition that impacts millions of Americans each year.  

Let me leave you with this simple thought, “We cannot solve problems with the kind of thinking we employed when we came up with them.” With credit to Albert Einstein

Until we find a cure, we need to do better to improve the lives of persons with a brain injury, their family, and friends.

We cannot wait any longer, the time to act is now.

Audio version

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